Well school has been in session for about a month now and it is going great. This semester has probably been my easiest semester so far class wise, not to mention I have no class Tuesdays and Thursdays! So I have a lot of free time on my hands. This can be good and bad in many ways but I am figuring out how to keep myself busy :) One thing that has kept me somewhat busy is a program that I volunteered for through one of my classes. It is a program at the local elementary school working with fifth graders in their fitness room. There are a few students, including me, from BYUH that are helpers with this program. Each fifth grade class is split into two groups and they come in for 15 minutes at a time. We assign one child to each station such as treadmill, aerobic resistance bands, push ups, wall sit, stationary bike, triceps, Bosu balance ball, etc. They are at each station for 1 minute and we are there to just assist them and make sure they are doing the stations correctly. One time I was monitoring the Bosu balance ball, which is just a rubber ball cut in half but on the top is a hard plastic surface where you stand and balance on the rubber round part. One boy was on it and he was having no problem balancing. I was pretty impressed so I said, "Wow you have really good balance!" And he just replied, "Yeah, I am a surfer. I go surfing with my dad." It was pretty cute, but you would only hear that kind of thing in Hawaii. It is pretty fun to see and work with these cute kids twice a week. They work really hard and are usually pretty sweaty by the time the 15 minutes is over!
I also recently got a job as a driver for the athletic teams. Haha. I drive the athletic teams to and from the airport when needed. It is a pretty easy and chill job so its pretty fun. The Laie Temple open house starts on October 22 and goes through November 13. We are going to get tickets to attend that and then have the privilege of being here over Thanksgiving when the temple is rededicated! We are so excited about that. There are also volunteering positions that I will be involved in for the temple such as night cleaning inside the temple, cleaning and taking care of the grounds, and possibly being an usher for the open house. It is going to be fun to be a part of this event.
To have fun around here, me and my roommates have done a few different things including crabbing and going to the Haunted Lagoon at the PCC. Kellie came up with the idea of catching crabs at the beach because she had previously done it in Texas. So we went to Foodland, got some raw chicken legs, tied string to the chicken legs and hucked them out into the ocean just like fishing haha. It was pretty fantastic! We went out at sunset so of course there were couples on the beach trying to have a romantic evening but don't mind us... we are just crabbing! Haha we got some pretty strange looks but we didn't care. Unfortunately we didn't catch any crabs that night, but we will be back! Last week, my roommates and I went to the Haunted Lagoon. It is similar to a Haunted forest but on canoes. There were about 20 people in each canoe and the canoe pusher pushed us down a lazy river with creepy music, zombies, and various characters/scenes happening on the banks of the river. There were also zombies in the water that would creep up to the canoe and jump in and scare everyone. It was loads of fun and also pretty dang scary!! Here are a few pictures from the past month:

The entrance to Bikini Beach |
Bikini Beach! Although we were not wearing bikinis... unfortunately ;) |
Tying the string to the chicken leg for our crabbing bait |
here we are trying to catch our crabs haha |
Me, Kellie, and Bri |
So... Kellie accidentally let go of her string in the water. A few minutes later I thought I caught something but come to find out, I had just caught Kellie's chicken leg string... haha we laughed pretty hard |
One of many geckos living in our house! This was a pretty one |
And we caught him! |
All these birds always follow the lawn mowers on campus to eat the insects that are stirred up from the freshly cut grass. It is so funny to watch. I think they are going to get run over because they are always in the way! |
Sounds like you're having fun! That's awesome you're an athletic driver! haha. I miss you tons. Can't wait until Christmas!
Kammalamma looks like you and Kellie are partying it up up there. I sure do miss you girl. Hopefully one day you will catch some crabs! Congrats on the job!
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